Apart from the signs you might be aware of when judging your girl if
she is a virgin, I promise you there are other signs to look at for
clarification. To be more specific there are marks in a virgin Girl’s
body to note include:
1. Forehead
A girl who is still pure has a smooth forehead. After intercourse the
slippery smooth face is always lost and some twitch (lines) will appear.
The lines don’t look like the ones brought by old age. The lines cannot
be removed by any face lotion or oil. It is not easily visible but can
be noticed when she laughs or talks.
2. Nose
The tip of her nose is reddish in color if she is a virgin. If you touch
the tip of the nose it appears red. Sometimes the color is not easily
visible. After intercourse the red color disappears.
3. Eye
When the bottom of the petals folded a bit and there is a sign of
bruising ( bruise marks) means the girl is not a virgin anymore. A girl
who is still virgin has no black strip. Also when she laughs, a virgin
girl has no wrinkles under her eye lids.
4. Fruit Chest (bre’ast)
Brea-sts of a virgin girl are always tense and hard. After being touched
by a man, the bosoms normally become less firm and become larger than
before. The more she is touched and undergoes intercourse the more it
enlarges and the more it drops.
Apart from knowing her virginity, you can also tell if a woman has given
birth or not by looking at her brea-sts. If her nippl’es are straight
or facing upwards, she has never given birth. But if her nippl’es are
facing downwards, she has given birth.
5. Outline Hand Palm
Try to hold the little finger about one minute then release and ask
how it feels. If she says she felt nothing at all, there are high
chances she is not a virgin. A virgin girl will say that she felt tense,
heart pounding or throbbing pain.
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