Tuesday, November 18, 2014

GTA 5's fowl new secret on PS4

Embedded image permalinkGrand Theft Auto 5 never ceases to amaze us with all its Easter Eggs and hidden secrets. Well, we can look forward to some more suprises because there’s already been a new secret found on the PS4 version of Rockstar’s open-world game, which launched worldwide today.
Here we see Youtuber taltigolt in the desert chewing on some Peyote before he falls to the ground and starts to hallucinate. Within a few seconds, he’s clucking around like a chicken.Check it out, it's quite funny.
 Click link to see video http://www.psu.com/news/25201/GTA-5s-fowl-new-secret-on-PS4?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PlayStationUniverse+%28Latest+PlayStation+News+-+PSU.com%29

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